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The flowers are about 1.5 cm in diameter and can be converted into ear clips for free.

- All products are completely handmade, and the shipping date ranges from 7 to 30 days after placing the order.
- For those with special needs that require a designated delivery time (such as weddings, special occasion wear, gift giving, etc.), please be sure to join LINE friends to communicate the delivery time.
- Materials may be out of stock or out of stock. If the matching materials change, we will proactively notify you. Please be sure to join LINE friends so that designers can communicate with you.

The size of some works (bracelets/necklaces) can be customized, and other styles can be customized according to the designer. If you want to know more details about the works, please contact us through the following methods! Soon to serve you:

※ Official LINE: @798ebvjy
※ Instagram: jasmmeggy
※ Facebook: Jasmmeggy Jasmine Meji handmade accessories